I am on team two Pro-Mass Media. Well, a few of team one’s arguments were , gender roles, as in women are portrayed as house wives, and this degrades women, some people have no TV so they are not prone to mass media, and gay marriages, that the mass media only shows one side, and that’s the side against gay marriages.
Well my rebuttals for those arguments are:
As for the gender roles, that is true that many movies portrayed women as the typical house wives, cooking and cleaning for their husband and family. However, it is 2011, and there are MANY movies that the women is the star of the movie, and she is doing the “man’s job”. For example, Angelina Jolie plays many aggressive movies, she is usually fighting/killing men in her movies. Is that a typical “housewife” for you? Women play the role that they want to play in movies. Although the movies back then used to be like that, the media is changing. And women are becoming more independent in the movies/TV shows.
As for the argument said about the people that do not own TV’s so therefore they are not prone to mass media. Well, that is correct the mass media does not apply to them, I do not see that as a valid argument, I find it kind of irrelevant considering the fact the mass media has nothing to do with the fact that they do not own television sets, or cell phones, or computers with internet. Of course, it is unfortunate for these people to not be as privileged and own objects that connect them to mass media, but on the bright side they are probably more active and not glued to technology like most of us.
Finally, as for the Gay marriages and the argument that mass media is one sided and against it. Well, there are many social movements that have protested so that that their voices can be heard, and Gay marriages can become legal, and it has worked. The mass media does in fact help the spread of Gay marriages, and helped the legalization of it in many states. The mass media, films the protests, and televises it so that we can sit at home and watch that the world around is in fact changing. I think that the mass media has done an excellent job in filming these protests and “spreading the word” so that we as citizens can be more well informed. If it was not for the mass media , I do not think that Gay marriages would be legal today.